Wallpaper Removing makes estates more stately!

20130617_160426It gets daunting to walk into an older person’s home and think about all the work required to remove the existing wallpaper. But these homes can be the best deals on the market because unlike foreclosures, most of them have been well maintained over the years. The mechanicals have been serviced yearly, cleaning is part of the daily routine, and roofs, electrical and plumbing have been taken care of. Cosmetic upgrades are so much more affordable than putting in a new HVAC and you can use all the DIY sites to come up with great and inexpensive ideas. Use this great recipe for wallpaper removal and you can save yourself loads of time and not deal with the toxic stuff sold at most stores. Make sure you score the wallpaper first with a special removal tool so the solution seeps in to dissovle the glue!