No Mouses in my Houses!

Tis the season where little friends start to look for a warm place to hide from the bitter cold of winter. There are some simple things you can do to keep them from having access into your place. First of all, make sure your dryer vent is secure at the begining of any season. That’s a very easy entry into your house. Secondly, walk around the perimeter of your house and look around the foundation for any cracks or holes, especially around wiring and pipes entering your property. Make sure to look under decks too! If you find a hole, there is a simple and cheap way to fix it so those suckers can’t get in. Buy some copper mesh wire and Great Stuff at your local hardware store and Voila! You have a rodent detergent. The Great Stuff alone is good, but they can chew through it if they’re so inclined. Cut off some copper mesh and put it around the hole and fill in the gaps with Great Stuff expanding foam. If they decide to chew, the copper wire will break their teeth and they’ll move on to someone else’s place.